Dead Sea
The Dead Sea is an inland body of water which is 377m (1,237ft) deep, making it the deepest hyersaline lake in the world. It is also know in the Bible as "Salt Sea" or the "sea of the Arahah"
It is also called by many different names like Lake of Asphalt, Sea of Sodom and Gomorrah, Sea of the
devil, Stinking Lake.

The surface and shores of the dead sea are423 meters(1388ft) below sea level ( The lowest point of dry land on Earth),with 33.7% salinity the dead sea is one of the world's saltiest bodies of water.


The Dead Sea is located in the syro-african (Jordan rift valley) a 4000mile fault line in the Earth's crust. It is 67 kilometers (4mi) long and 18kilometrs (11mi) wide, and because the lake is at the lowest point, water does not drain from the lake. Daily 7 million ton of water evaporates but the minerals remains causing the salt content to increase.
Effect on health

The Dead Sea area is a major center for health researches and treatment of different illness, because of it unique concentration of minerals.
Aristotle, Queen of Sheba, King Solomon and Cleopatra were witness to it medicinal value. The very low content of pollens and other allergens in the atmosphere, the reduced ultraviolet component of solar radiation, and the higher atmospheric pressure at this great depth has made doctors to often prescribe patients with skin ailment to soak in the waters of the Dead Sea.

The most amazing fact about the Dead Sea is that most people can float on the waters of the Dead Sea because of it high salt content.

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